Roofing Inspector: Top 5 Expert Tips for 2024 Success

by | Jun 14, 2024

Roofing Inspector: Top 5 Expert Tips for 2024 Success



A roofing inspector is an expert who assesses the condition and integrity of your roof. This professional plays a crucial role in extending the life of your roof, maintaining the safety of your home, and safeguarding your investment.

When searching for a roofing inspector, keep these points in mind:
Experience: Look for inspectors with years of hands-on experience.
Certification: Ensure they have appropriate certifications.
Comprehensive Reports: They should provide detailed reports with photos.
Use of Advanced Tools: Inspectors should utilize drones and infrared tools for accurate assessments.

Regular roof inspections can prevent small issues from becoming costly repairs. They help identify damage from storms, check for proper ventilation, and ensure your roof complies with local building codes.

As the owner of Connell Roofing, I have over 60 years of experience providing top-notch roofing services. My expertise as a roofing inspector ensures that every client gets a thorough and accurate roof assessment.

Steps to Choosing a Roofing Inspector - roofing inspector infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Understanding Roof Inspections

A roof inspection is a thorough examination of all the components of your roof. It helps ensure your roof is in good condition, can withstand the elements, and won’t cause unexpected problems.


The main goal of a roof inspection is to identify any issues early. This can save you money by catching problems before they become major repairs. Inspections also help you understand the overall health of your roof, so you know how long it might last and when you might need to replace it.

Roof inspections are especially important after severe weather, like storms or heavy snowfall, to check for damage. They are also useful when buying or selling a home to ensure the roof is in good condition.


A professional roof inspection covers several key areas:

  • Soffits and Fascia: Inspectors check the soffit material and fascia boards for damage or signs of water infiltration.
  • Gutters and Downspouts: They ensure gutters are clear and downspouts are properly attached and functioning.
  • Roofing Material: The condition of shingles, tiles, or other roofing materials is closely examined for wear and tear.
  • Roof Penetrations: Vent pipes, skylights, and chimneys are inspected for proper sealing and potential leaks.
  • Flashing: Inspectors check the flashing around joints and edges to make sure it’s up to code and effectively diverting water.
  • Attic: If accessible, the attic is inspected for signs of leaks or water damage.


Modern roofing inspectors use advanced tools to get the most accurate assessment:

  • Drones: These provide a bird’s eye view of the roof, making it easier to spot issues without climbing up.
  • Infrared Cameras: These detect moisture and heat loss, identifying hidden water damage behind walls and in hard-to-reach places.
  • Moisture Meters: These devices measure the moisture content in roofing materials, helping to detect leaks.
  • Binoculars: For a closer look at hard-to-reach areas without needing to climb.

roof inspection tools - roofing inspector

Regular roof inspections can prevent small issues from becoming costly repairs. They help identify damage from storms, check for proper ventilation, and ensure your roof complies with local building codes.

As the owner of Connell Roofing, I have over 60 years of experience providing top-notch roofing services. My expertise as a roofing inspector ensures that every client gets a thorough and accurate roof assessment.

Qualifications of a Professional Roofing Inspector

When selecting a roofing inspector, it’s crucial to understand the qualifications that set professionals apart. Here are the key areas to consider:


Certifications are a must-have for any professional roofing inspector. They show that the inspector has undergone specialized training and met industry standards. Look for certifications like:

  • Commercial Roof Inspector Certification: Focuses on identifying major damage to commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Residential Roof Inspector Certification: Specializes in residential roofing systems and their interaction with weather elements.
  • Wind Damage Inspector Certification: Provides advanced knowledge about wind-related damage, crucial for areas prone to storms and tornadoes.

Certifications from authoritative bodies like the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association (NRCIA) ensure that the inspector adheres to high standards and ethical practices.


Experience is invaluable in the roofing industry. A seasoned inspector can spot issues that a novice might miss. Many roof inspectors have decades of experience, not just in roofing but also in related fields like plumbing, HVAC, and engineering. This broad expertise allows them to provide a more comprehensive assessment.

For example, George, a roofing inspector who started in the Midwest, increased his earnings from $40,000 to over $70,000 by gaining experience and certifications. His story highlights the importance of continuous learning and practical experience.


Training is another critical factor. Certified training programs focus on various aspects of roofing inspections, including:

  • Identifying Damage: Learning to spot issues like leaks, structural damage, and wear and tear.
  • Using Advanced Tools: Training in using drones, infrared tools, and other equipment to assess hard-to-reach areas.
  • Report Writing: Creating detailed reports with photos, which help homeowners make informed decisions.

For instance, the NRCIA offers a LeakFREE® Roof Inspection Report, known for its professionalism, thoroughness, and transparency. Such training ensures that inspectors provide high-quality, consistent service.

Next, we’ll discuss how to assess your roof’s condition, covering topics like debris, buckled shingles, and granule loss.

How to Assess Your Roof’s Condition


Debris on your roof can cause a number of problems. Pine needles, leaves, and other materials can trap moisture, leading to rot and leaks. Before winter hits, make sure your roof and surrounding elements, like gutters and flashing, are clear of debris. This helps prevent water from pooling and causing damage.

Tip: Regularly clean your gutters to ensure proper drainage and avoid water backup. This is especially important before and after storms.

Buckled Shingles

Buckled shingles are a sign of underlying issues. They can indicate problems with the roof’s structure or poor ventilation. Buckling can lead to water infiltration and damage to your home’s interior. If you notice buckled shingles, it’s time to call a professional roofing inspector.

Case Study: A homeowner in Overland Park noticed buckled shingles after a heavy storm. Upon inspection, a professional found that poor attic ventilation was causing moisture buildup, leading to the buckling. Fixing the ventilation system resolved the issue and prevented further damage.

Granule Loss

Granules on shingles protect them from UV rays and increase their lifespan. Over time, granules can wear off, especially after severe weather. You might notice granules in your gutters or downspouts. Significant granule loss can shorten your roof’s lifespan and reduce its effectiveness.

Fact: According to Connell Roofing, granule loss is a common issue, especially with older roofs. Regular inspections can help identify this problem early, allowing for timely repairs or replacement.

Assessing your roof’s condition involves more than just looking for visible damage. Regular inspections and maintenance can help you catch issues early and extend the life of your roof. Up next, we’ll explore how to choose the right roofing inspector.

Choosing the Right Roofing Inspector

Choosing the right roofing inspector is crucial for the health of your roof. Here are the key factors to consider:


Certifications matter. A certified roofing inspector has undergone rigorous training and adheres to industry standards. Look for inspectors certified by reputable organizations like the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association (NRCIA). NRCIA members must pass stringent training and adhere to a strict code of ethics. They are licensed annually to perform inspections, ensuring they stay updated on the latest best practices.

Why certification is important: Certified inspectors provide a LeakFREE® roof certification that guarantees your entire roof will remain leak-free for the certification period. This is a valuable assurance for homeowners.


Experience speaks volumes. An experienced inspector will have dealt with a variety of roofing issues and will know what to look for. They can identify potential problems that less experienced inspectors might miss.

Case Study: George, a roofing inspector who moved from the Midwest to California, saw his earnings increase from $40,000 to over $70,000 due to his growing experience and expertise. His story highlights the importance of choosing an experienced inspector who understands the nuances of different roofing systems.

Local Knowledge

Local expertise is essential. Roofing requirements can vary significantly by region due to climate and local building codes. Choose an inspector who knows your area’s specific challenges.

Example: In Massachusetts, Connell Roofing has over 60 years of experience and a deep understanding of local climate challenges. This local knowledge ensures they can provide tailored advice and solutions for your roof.

Questions to Ask

Don’t hesitate to ask potential inspectors the following questions to gauge their suitability:

  • Are you certified and by which organization?
  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • Do you have knowledge of local building codes and climate challenges?
  • Can you provide references from previous clients?

Tip: Always check online reviews and testimonials. A reputable inspector will have positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Choosing the right roofing inspector involves considering their certification, experience, and local knowledge. By doing your homework, you can ensure your roof gets the best possible care.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about roofing inspectors.

Frequently Asked Questions about Roofing Inspectors

How much does a roof inspection cost?

The cost of a roof inspection can vary widely based on several factors, including the size and type of your roof, the inspection method, and your location. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around $220 for a standard roof inspection. However, costs can range from $75 to $600.

Factors Influencing Cost:
Size and Type of Roof: Larger or more complex roofs usually cost more to inspect.
Inspection Method: Physical inspections are generally cheaper ($75 to $200), while drone inspections ($150 to $400) and infrared inspections ($400 to $600) can be more expensive.
Location: Prices can vary by region due to differences in labor costs and regulatory requirements.

What is the overall goal of a roof inspection?

The primary goal of a roof inspection is to assess the condition of your roof and identify any potential issues before they become major problems. A professional roofing inspector will look for:

  • Missing or Damaged Shingles: These can lead to leaks and further damage.
  • Signs of Leaks: Including mold growth, water stains, and visible holes.
  • Structural Integrity: Checking the roof trusses, rafters, and supports.
  • Ventilation and Insulation: Ensuring these systems are in good condition.
  • Gutters and Downspouts: Assessing if they need cleaning, repair, or replacement.

An inspection helps you maintain your roof’s health and can prevent expensive repairs down the line.

How do I become a certified roof inspector in NJ?

Becoming a certified roof inspector in New Jersey involves several steps:

  1. Education and Training: Enroll in a roofing inspection course. Many organizations, like the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association (NRCIA), offer training programs.
  2. Gain Experience: Work under a certified roof inspector to gain hands-on experience.
  3. Pass an Exam: Most certification programs require you to pass an exam that tests your knowledge of roof inspection standards and practices.
  4. Obtain Licensing: Check with New Jersey’s local building department to see if a state or local license is required.
  5. Ongoing Education: Stay updated with the latest industry standards and practices through continuing education.

By following these steps, you can become a qualified and trusted roofing inspector in New Jersey.

Next, we’ll delve into the conclusion, highlighting Connell Roofing’s Master Elite® Certification and their 10-year labor warranty.


At Connell Roofing, we pride ourselves on providing top-tier roofing services. Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our Master Elite® Certification. This prestigious certification is awarded to only 2% of roofing contractors in North America, signifying our dedication to quality, reliability, and professional service.

When you choose Connell Roofing, you are not just hiring a contractor; you are partnering with experts who have undergone rigorous training and certification processes. Our Master Elite® Certification ensures that we adhere to the highest standards in the industry, giving you peace of mind that your roof is in capable hands.

Moreover, we stand behind our work with a 10-year labor warranty. This warranty underscores our confidence in our craftsmanship and the quality of materials we use. Should any issues arise, you can rest assured knowing that we will take care of them promptly and efficiently.

For Massachusetts homeowners, regular roof inspections are crucial for maintaining the longevity and integrity of your roof. By choosing Connell Roofing, you are ensuring that your roof receives the best care possible.

Ready to take the next step? Learn more about our roofing services and schedule your inspection today. Let us help you protect your home with the expertise and dedication that only Connell Roofing can provide.